A Message from InsideSchools: The data below is the most up-to-date data available from City and State systems. We are working hard to update the narratives for all schools. We welcome your insights in the Comments section. Questions? Ask us!

Our Insights

This school has been closed or merged with another school due to poor performance. For school records, please call the Department of Education at (718) 935-2399 or (718) 935-2009.

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Programs & Admissions

From the 2024 High School Directory

Arts & Media Preparatory

Admissions Method: Limited Unscreened


From the 2024 High School Directory

Language Courses


Boys PSAL teams

Basketball, Soccer

Girls PSAL teams

Basketball, Volleyball

Contact & Location


905 Winthrop Street
Brooklyn NY 11203

Trains: 3 Line to Sutter Ave-Rutland Rd

Buses: B15, B17, B46, B46-SBS, B47


Principal: Deborah Glauner

Phone: 718-773-3908


Other Details

Shared campus? Yes

This school shared the building with the Middle School of Marketing and Legal Studies and East Flatbush Community Research School

Uniforms required? No
Metal detectors? No

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