Citywide Middle Schools

Check MySchools for the most up-to-date admissions information.*
In New York City, most students attend either their zoned middle school or one within their school district. For those looking for other options, consider applying to a citywide school.
IS 235, The Lenox Academy
Rigorous and fast-paced academics attracts high performing students from across Brooklyn
IS 239, Mark Twain, Coney Island (grades 6-8)
High performing school with talent programs and demanding academics
Who gets in: Audition
Brooklyn School of Inquiry, Gravesend (grades K-8)
Challenging academics with a progressive bent and an emphasis on the arts.
Who gets in: Open. Current 5th graders are given priority for middle school.
Medgar Evers College Preparatory School, Crown Heights (grades 6-12)
Fast paced academics; every student learns to speak Mandarin
Who gets in: ELA and math assessments, interview and report cards. See school website for details.
Ballet Tech, Gramercy Park (grades 4-8)
First-rate pre-professional ballet training with solid academics
Who gets in: Audition. Formal ballet training not required for admission in 4th grade
Ella Baker, Upper East Side (grades pre-K-8)
A joyful, informal school open to children from across the city
Who gets in: Open. Priority to continuing students and siblings
Hunter College High School, Upper East Side (grades 7-12)
Topnotch academics; teachers do a great job of keeping girls interested in science and math
Who gets in: Very difficult exam, citywide admissions. Seventh grade is the only entry point for the middle and high school grades
Institute for Collaborative Education (ICE), Gramercy Park (grades 6-12)
Promotes love of learning–not test prep
Who gets in: Open. Priority to applicants eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) for up to 50 percent of seats
Manhattan East School for Arts & Academics
Strong arts and academics attract children from across the city
Who gets in: Open. Priority to District 4 students and residents
NEST+m, Lower East Side (grades K-12)
Fast-paced instruction for advanced students
Who gets in: Open. Priority to siblings.
Professional Performing Arts High School (PPAS), Hell’s Kitchen (grades 6-12)
First rate instruction in drama, dance and voice along with solid academics
Who gets in: Audition
Quest to Learn, Chelsea (grades 6-12)
Students learn in innovative ways, often using technology and choosing from a "menu" of options for projects
Who gets in: Priority to applicants eligible for free or reduced price lunch for up to 60 percent of seats.
School of the Future, Gramercy Park (grades 6-12)
A warm and creative school with challenging academics and strong leadership
Who gets in: Priority to applicants eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (based on family income) for 65 percent of seats.
Special Music School, Upper West Side (grades K-12)
Rigorous musical training and strong academics
Who gets in: Audition
TAG (Talented and Gifted) Young Scholars, East Harlem (grades K-8)
Engaging classes with a more traditional bent than other citywides.
Who gets in: Open. Priority to continuing students.
The Anderson School, Upper West Side (grades K-8)
Faced-paced academics and engaging instruction
Who gets in: Open. Priority to continuing 5th graders and siblings. Few spots open in 6th grade.
Baccalaureate School for Global Education, Astoria (grades 7-12)
Ambitious IB program in a laid-back atmosphere
Who gets in: Open to NYC residents currently in 6th grade. Students may apply for 7th grade admissions only.
The 30th Avenue school, Astoria (grades K-8)
Strong emphasis on pre-engineering, exploration and discovery
Who gets in: Priority to continuing students
Scholars' Academy Far Rockaway (grades 6-12)
Rigourous academics plus a wide array of sports and arts.
Who gets in: Open. Sibling priority.